Cincinnati Hometown Heating and Cooling LLC

Hometown Values and Christian Friends

Ohio HVAC License # 47510

(513) 278-8153 Call or Text

Natural and Propane Gas Furnaces

Tempstar Furnace and Cutaway of Tempstar Furnace

Cincinnati Hometown offers a wide range of Gas Furnace options. We install quality systems that can provide precise heating comfort control thru Modulating the heat output and varying the fan to keep consistent warm air production or just basic gas furnaces that operate similar to the old style of all on or all off.

Understanding Today's Furnace Technology

Furnace Efficiency Rating

Today's furnaces efficiency is measured by Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). For a more simplistic understanding, the higher the number the less it will cost to run.

For example, a furnace rated at the minimum standard of 80% AFUE, every 100 dollars spent thru a heating season only 20 dollars is lost thru the exhaust and the rest is used to heat your home. AFUE rating is of the appliance only and does not include the energy that may be lost thru any duct-work located outside the building envelope such as an attic or crawlspace. It also does not take into effect of the energy loss due to poor windows or doors. However, given that many older furnaces only recover 40-70% worth of the heat, the minimum standard of 80% AFUE furnaces are a choice for your home.

To get the maximum amount heat output of the money paid to heat your home, Cincinnati Hometown recommends to get the highest AFUE you can afford, utility prices are likely never coming down and currently with 97% AFUE you only lose 3 dollars for every 100 paid to heat your home each year.

Types of Furnaces

Best- Variable/Modulating Capacity Furnace

Variable or Modulating furnaces offer the best performance by being able to operate as a small furnace or up to a large furnace as needed by your home at the time. When it is 60 degrees out, you need less heat then when it is 10 degrees out to maintain your thermostat set point. This furnace maintains the needed heat output by varying or modulating the gas input from 40% to 100% as controlled by your Communicating Thermostat. This provides a much tighter temperature in your home by reducing short cycles where the furnace would kick on then right back off in mild outdoor temperature. Also provides the quietest operation. This type of furnace is also best suited for Zoning applications. These furnaces are also the efficient on the market at 96-98% AFUE.

Read more about Variable/Modulating Capacity Units: SmartComfort ® EC 97 Variable-Speed Modulating Gas Furnace Featuring The Observer ™ Communicating System

Better- Two Stage Capacity Furnace

Two stage furnaces are not quite as comfortable as variable/modulating furnaces but still much more comfortable than single stage furnaces. This type of furnace operates as two sizes of furnaces depending on the demand of the thermostat. This lead to more comfort than a single stage furnace due to longer on cycles. Due to only two stages available this furnace will still have shorter cycles than a variable/modulating furnace. Since these units run on low most the time, they also provide very quiet operation while providing you the comfort you want.

Read more about Two Stage Capacity Units:

Basic- Single Stage Furnace

This is the most economical style furnace in upfront costs and is the most common as the technology has not changed from most old furnaces. This type of furnace will cycle on with 100% all on and heat until the thermostat is satisfied. Typically single stage furnaces will be oversized for over 90% of the time which will lead to shorter cycles the warmer it is outside.

Read more about Single Stage Units:

Economy- Single Stage Furnace

This is the most striped down basic system designed at the lowest cost for new Construction or homeowners on a very tight budget. It lacks some self-protection devices to keep cost down. Economy units also lack sound damping to keep cost down. This type of furnace will cycle on with 100% all on and heat until the thermostat is satisfied. Typically single stage furnaces will be oversized for over 90% of the time which will lead to shorter cycles the warmer it is outside.

Read more about Economy Single Stage Units

Don't forget the thermostat can make or break the operation of the system, we offer quality thermostat options that can take advantage of all the system operations. Cincinnati Hometown does not recommend Big Box store thermostats as the functionality and quality is diminished to cut costs.

Each furnace has different blower fan motor types that can give even a more comfortable living space. Check the Blower Option page for details.

If you would like to know more about what would work best in your home, please contact us for a personal Comfort consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.